Saturday, January 22, 2011

Podcasts I like

Hello, lovely readers! Lovely, lovely audience of maybe two people! I would like to spend some time today to talk about a topic close to my heart: Podcasts.

Since I got my ipod Touch in August of 2010 I have listened to podcasts when I am about to go to sleep or when I need some relaxation time. I think podcasts are a good way to listen to things with your ears. Here are some I can recommend.

RadioLab: Science for laypeople, presented with interesting sound effects in anecdotal format. Very soothing, very thought provoking. Very stimulating in bed. Sometimes makes me chortle with laughter.

This American Life: would you like to hear some funny, some sad, all interesting stories about people? People in America? Then this is the podcast for you. There's also several televised episodes on Netflix. Gets kinda heavy at times.

Stop Podcasting Yourself: Funny Canadians and others have funny conversations. They are fun to listen to but if you want to get to sleep they are not TOO hilarious. Mostly silly humor. Oh, Canadians.

Comedy Death Ray Radio: Often makes me howl with laughter. Episodes with Paul F. Tompkins and Nick Kroll are the best, because they tend to bring some interesting personalities with them...

PodCandy: I've only listened to this one once, but these are basically little kids who are pretty hilarious. They talk about things like what they would like in the dream house they will purchase together. They don't say too many stupid things, given that they are little kids. Good job, little kids.

It is eight o' clock. The penguin on my television will now explode.

1 comment:

J. A. Rama said...

I really should listen to my podcasts more. X_X I don't spend nearly enough time glued to my headphones.

Shizzah! I finally restarted my blog too! By the way, where/how do you set it so that people who read your blog get email notifications when you post? Because your blog did it for me but it doesn't work with Manasi's.