Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Tufts Medical School

If I get accepted here, I will have to do a serious think to figure out where I want to go more. If I get into UMass all other choices will die a quick and painless death, of course, but otherwise...I will have to have a think. Maaaan why can't choices be easy?

Why can't I just go back to fun times and jollity?!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Things I want to do

So over this break, I've realized that I've got to start acting less like an entitled child. Ironically, I was nothing but a child with a sense of entitlement; I didn't do a damn thing and I got a lot of stuff from my parents. But from now on it's my responsibility to stay healthy, live frugally, and find some way to finance my medical education. So really I'm being forced into some semblance of adulthood, though the whole medical school thing will curtail that process a bit. But it is a professional school, so I'm expected to be a professional. A professional who pays $50,000 a year to do her job.

So here are things I want to take care of over the next semester:

-finances, obviously. That's the big one.
-start studying a bit more like a medical student would. That is, keep up with lectures, do a bit each day, etc.
-exercise, eat less junk.
-only one mug of coffee a day. My mug holds about sixteen ounces. That is a lot of caffeine.
-that's about it. I can only take so much self-discipline and denial, because I am a weak fleshly stupidface.