Okay, so writing about this is not exactly topical for me, since I sent in my absentee ballot a few weeks ago, but I really am sad that so many of my friends aren't voting because they applied for their absentee ballots too late or thought it was "too big of a pain" to order one. All you have to do is send a letter, as far as I know; it's not that difficult even to send it way ahead of time. I remember that I applied for mine at the beginning of the school year and I got everything on time. Perhaps my City Hall is more efficient and well-organized than those of my friends' respective counties, but I highly doubt it.
The other thing that bothers me is that people pay no attention to local candidates. They will often use as an excuse for not voting that "McCain will win Kentucky anyway." Yeah, he will, but what about the local candidates? You have to live here, and those guys and girls are the ones who will have the most direct impact on your quality of life! The other thing that cheeses me off is that many of the local candidates don't provide any information about themselves online. I'm not in Massachusetts, so I can't go to their campaign meetings or houses to ask them about their platform. (I only made the comment about going to their houses because their addressees were published on the ballot). Really, the best and easiest way for me to see what they are about and to be impressed by them would be for them to provide information about themselves online. This seems like a minimal effort to make for your campaign; most of them seem to be relying upon hearsay to advance themselves. I really don't know what else to make of it.
But in any case, at least one of my friends is going to the polls right now! I'm proud of him. My other friend who is not yet a citizen and thus can not vote is going with him for moral support. I would have gone, but I'm spending my election day in debauchery (drinking coffee in my room and reading comics :D).